Book it in.

Things you need to know.

  • I specialise in these areas: interview, mindset and strategic planning (how to maximise your chances for pageant success).
  • If you need help in other areas such as runway training or styling, send me an email ( and I will recommend someone I trust.
  • I am certified through Robbins-Madanes Training (the official coach training school of Tony Robbins).
  • I have over two decades worth of coaching experience working with young women.
  • Coaching sessions are conducted via Zoom at a day and time to suit you. The booking form below will allow you to pick a suitable day and time and to book in directly and immediately.

Coaching red flags.

  • Beware any coach who tells you they can coach you in everything. That’s like hiring your doctor to fix your plumbing - it might work out, but wouldn’t you rather hire an expert?
  • Mutual exclusivity contracts - I cannot think of any reason why a coach who wants what’s best for you would stop you from working with someone else.
  • Often (not always) you get what you pay for. There’s a reason one coach charges $20 per session whilst another charges $200+. Don’t spend thousands of dollars on a gown only to skimp on hiring a great coach.


Taking on private coaching for any endeavour is a significant commitment. If you have any questions, email us on